title: “TouchPad and Mint 18.2 “ Sonya” on DELL 5448” date: “2017-09-24” tags: – “linux-mint” – “linux-tutorial” – “productivity” – “raspberry-pi”

Disable touchpad while typing

I realized that the touchpad wasn't turned off when typing, even if set as disable in system configuration — mouse > touchpad > option menu. If you're using mate, type: mate-mouse-porperties

Using xinput command at terminal:

Only one TouchPad

But typing:

dmesg | grep -i touchpad

Two TouchPads

So, to fix this duplicated touchpad, add an section on the file:


Section “InputClass”
 Identifier “Removendo touchpad duplicados”
 MatchProduct “SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad”
 Option “Ignore” “on”

Restart the user session and it's done.

Emanoel Lopes